Disappointment overwhelms me. Words fail me!
We eventually had left the choice of path to Frodo, he chose Moria and I was so happy... We traveled and eventually reached the gate, it would not open. Frodo asked what the word for friend was and Gandalf answered, "Mellon". The Gate opened.
--But whilst they were contemplating the what the spell written over the door could mean ("Speak friend and enter") and the door wasn't opening, Pippin and Merry had been throwing rocks into the water. This must have awakened some dark terror, for as we finally were upon our entrance, a giant dark beast rose from the waters, it's tentacles reaching forth. It grasped Frodo, yet everyone thought quickly and Boromir and Aragorn began hacking at it and Legolas shot at it. It eventually released Frodo (yet it was still alive) and we all ran through the gate, but low-- the beast crushed the entrance, causing the doors to fall upon itself... There it heard and saw no more.
We came to a staircase after all this occurred and began to climb it, Gandalf lit the stone in his staff and we observed our surroundings. There were skeletons everywhere... We traveled for a far ways and saw many veins of Mithril.
We eventually came to a doorway in which I saw and small window casting light onto a large slab of stone, I knew to well it was a grave stone... There was a fight there with a Troll (Legolas slew it) and some goblins. All else is a blur yet one thing is clear, Gandalf met his equal on the Bridge! A Balrog of Morgoth.
We are all out of the mountain, we are to grieved about Gandalf to think on anything else!
--Gimli son of Gloin
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