We traveled to the woods of Lothlorien after we sat for a small while after coming out of the mountains. Our hearts are and were heavy and hope was beginning to depart. We ran for quite sometime to race the gathering twilight, Goblins would be in the mountains quite soon.
As we entered the wood, we all slowed to a walk. The wood was light, it casted a shade of blue and awed we were whilst we passed. Goblins dare not enter this wood, it is even forbidden to many dwarfs. As I was telling Frodo of the many terrors that could befall him if he did not stay close, we were suddenly surprised by a company of elves. "Dwarfs breath so loud, we could have shot you in the dark!" Indeed!
Aragorn and Haldir argued for sometime, the elves knew they need take the company to the Lord and Lady, but this troubled them greatly, for the ring was with them. And a Dwarf? They had not let my folk pass through the wood since my fathers day, yet they still had him in bonds and his eyes covered. Never have they been welcomed warmly...
They settled on taking us all, next thing we knew we were before the Lord and Lady themselves. The Lady kept our gazes and would see our thoughts. She told us that we are on the edge of a knife and if we stray but a little all will fail. She told us to have hope.
Noro lim!
Gimli son of Gloin
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