Thursday, November 25, 2010

Daleted scenes!!!!

mom's going nuts because the patriots and the ... I' not sure what the other team is. they're tied at the begng of the fourth
I"m more interested in the voyage of the dawn treader.

well it's turkey day again and I have allot to be thankful for.
my wonderful supportive family
that my dad has a job
that I can work and be a help to the strattons.
Judo that has been so much to me.
my cat who's almost always around when I need his company.
my teachers at the barn and at the sewing shop.
used book search
wally world (for those who don't know what that is its' wal mart)
the strattons
my Amazing friends.
my snowboard
the snow.
my brother
did I mention my awesome friends?

there is more but I don't' want to spend all day on here and there is really no kind of order to the list.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My wonderful mother just got through telling me that it served me right that when I was twelve I got scarred of the ring wraiths in lord of the rings.
see when I was 12 I was excited and could put the book down so after my parents went to be I came out of my bedroom down the hall and into the spar room closet where I sat and read till about 1:oo in the morning. at which piont I decided to put the book down and go to bed unfortunately I stoped reading at the battle of wether top leaving poor aragorn against those nasty ringwraiths. and I had to WALK DOWN THAT LONG DARKJ HALL A MILE LONG WITH NO LIGHTS ON AND THOSE WRAITHS READY TO COME OUT OF THIN AIR AND GET ME!!!
i didn't even want to come out of the closet!
but that was two years ago and those raiths are still happily stuck between those pages where Ican enjoy reading about them over and over but I will NOT read in that closet till one in the morning again. lol. that is why mom says it served me right to be scared I shouldn't have been reading.

my friend is going to get a snow board and he says he will learn to snowboard if it is the last thing he does. I think he does pretty well. not every body can make the mile in seven minutes their first trip up there.

Monday, November 22, 2010

• PLEASE put this on your status if you know someone (or are related to someone)who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this because they have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower armed with fire extinguishers and the remaining 1% are awesome and will repost this.

but what if Im one of the 6% sitting in the shower armed with the fire extinguisher? that means Im a loser correct? but what if Im sitting there with said fire extinguisher logged into blogger/gmail on an Itouch and posted this as my status? does that mean Im awesome yet careful person or does the fact that Im barricaded in the shower with the extinguisher negate the fact that I reposted?

hmm...perhaps then you are an awesome loser? personally, I think a extinguisher isn't actually all that bad of a defense against dragons...if they open their mouths to breathe fire on you then you can shoot it into their mouths and they'll least buying you enough time to run like the wind or grab the nearest sword and chop their head off.
Although...if there is a (non-friendly) dragon in your home and you're on facebook/blogger/'re pretty much an idiot ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Be careful of your thoughts; guard your mind, for your thoughts become words. Be guarded when you speak, for your words turn into action. Watch what you do, for your actions will become habits. Be wary of your habits for they become your character. Pray over your character; strive to mold it to the image of Christ, because your character will shape your destiny.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

pramotion!!! I got my orange belt and I didn't have to test because I did so well in my tournament.  all the people I beat outranked me. So I got promoted!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

ok guys I'm back though I may be gone again for a while.
latest new: judo tournament on Saturday. i took first place in my division. I"m a yellow belt and I fought girls who out ranked me and had had allot more practice and experience I've had less than a year of fighting under my belt.
all my siblings also took first or second.
it was good though I did come away hurt and tired. the past two days I've had to take naps in the afternoon which is very unusual... I heal slowly.
one of the girls that was a blue belt I fought three times and beat her twice. she beat me once. she was the most difficult. she only did like one throw but she was quick.  she was really irritating though she kept screeching at me "SIKE" every time she tried to throw and most of the time she didn't get it. the sike is supposed to disorient the opponent or something it didn't work very well except for the first two or three times she did it then it was just irritating

I don't understand why people leave the mat crying.. it's poor sportsmanship. why can't they lose gracefully?
why do people fight mad? don't they understand that when your mad you leave yourself open in a fight because you can't make very clear decisions?

oh, the first time I fought this girl I won the second time I lost and since it was double elimination I knew i would fight her again and so the sensie was telling me what I should do but when I got to the other side of the mat she wasn't ready so david told me what throw I should do to get her I got out there and I think my sensie was reffinf that one but my four friends/coaches were all sitting in a row Jeramy, Brett, Tyler and David. all rooting for me and coachig me. Tyler said they were all like great big kids "GO! go!" though I happen to notice in the video that David was the only one who clapped for me in that line when they announced the ippon.

we tape our matches so that we can watch how we did when we get home and learn what to do better.
  it also irritates me when one of the sensies know that one dojo is really good at a particular throw and will beat every one with it and so he banns it from the fight.

Monday, November 8, 2010

sorry I haven't posted in a long while guys. I"ve neglected my blog and i am sorry.
my excuse?: I don't have and excuse I've had the time. just lack of desire.
I've been working on a story though.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Dear Friends,
This is a Quiz that Lauren Tagged me to do. Here goes.... (Priscilla) 

1.  What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?
I expect anything can happen as my future is ultimately in Gods hands. I'm not sure. I'd love to be helping others live their dreams, especially with horses and possibly working with Pat and Linda Parelli.  
2.  Has the Lord done anything recently in your life that has strengthened your faith in Him? 
Nothing in this moment but I really have been more mindful recently of how forgiving he is. :D 
3.  Tea or Coffee? That is the question. :) 
Tea, hands down. Better for you anyways.
4.  An anonymous person gives you a free ticket to any destination in the world, all expenses paid, including food, airfare, and lodging. You may take only three special possessions with you.  Where would you go, and what would you bring?
New Zealand (I know I seem like a copy-cat, but that is a place I'd also love to go), Cricket, Leah, and a friend. 
5.  Who was your most respected role model as you were growing up, and why were they important to you?
My mother and sisters are huge role models.  
6.  Do appearances matter? Come now, we want your true opinion. ;) 
Truly? To me, no. I'm really substance over style. Looking respectable is important though, but stylish is not something I've never cared about (obviously). 
7.  If you could only bring 3 books (other than the Bible) with you to an abandoned island, what would you bring? Lord of the Rings, The complete wilderness training guide, and The American Boys Handy Book. 
8.  Something you want horribly and desperately… at the moment. ( Be it a CD, a musical instrument or 20 acres of land… what is it? 
Well, my family matters the most over all, but I'd really like to be riding Cricket (my pony) at the moment. I'm pretty content. Do I need anything? No. 

I tag: Anyone who's reading this! Mohahaha! 

Toodles and enjoy!


1.  What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?
not sure having some doubts about that at the moment. if every thing goes will then in the business of costume design.
2.  Has the Lord done anything recently in your life that has strengthened your faith in Him? 
he taught me that is timing is always perfect. .....
3.  Tea or Coffee? That is the question. :) 
both. lol. coffee.
4.  An anonymous person gives you a free ticket to any destination in the world, all expenses paid, including food, airfare, and lodging. You may take only three special possessions with you.  Where would you go, and what would you bring?
new zealand, camera, costumes and a horse.
5.  Who was your most respected role model as you were growing up, and why were they important to you?
my mamma.
6.  Do appearances matter? Come now, we want your true opinion. ;) 
uuummmmm yes I admit to being vain. but in the big scheem of things no it doesn't.
7.  If you could only bring 3 books (other than the Bible) with you to an abandoned island, what would you bring? Lord of the rings, two books on how to survive.
8.  Something you want horribly and desperately… at the moment. ( Be it a CD, a musical instrument or 20 acres of land… what is it? 
to go to Middle earth.

I tag:
Priscilla of "priscilla's odyssey"
sam questions priscilla!!