Friday, December 17, 2010

what is the prupose and what do they see?

I"m not sure what to think. proud? last night was the first time I've ever hear/seen a 17/18 year old get told to be more like me. Hmmmm.
that begs the Question, am I a good role model? If a older person is told to be like me. how many little kids in that class are watching what I do and how I ask?what do  the see?
they said I was elite. is that all they see? a good competitor? or do they also watch how I act? how do I act?
Am I setting a good example that younger ones can learn from?
I pray to God  that I will become one, if I'm not already.
I  know I've already corrected one girl for not cleaning up after herself. Bio hazard.
I've been used as an example as to how to do things properly. is that the only reason I'm here?
at this time in my life, why am i here? what is my purpose here?

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