thankfully we are almost all well again.
do you know I had to go to two fred myers, target and then walmart just to find sun in? well I did which is really odd.
oh the green house is up too. it is so awesome. it's warm in there, mom and I like that. she almost drowned her plants though. lol
my older brother is trying to get his driver's liscence. good luck to him.
Oh, the 'sun in' stuff, does not do what you think it will, it dies your hair, for my hair, i did the whole thing to lighten all of it,just for a little bit, and it ruened my hair, and now, i have a brown line, so unless you want to keep up with the dieing (sp) then you probably dont want to try that... Its a bleach, not what it says it is :/ which is a bummer!
actually it does exactly what it says it will do. did you read the back? It lightens it by bleaching it and actually I think it's peroxide.
of course you'll have brown if it's growing out.
it's heat activated so the sun's heat will lighten it or you can use a hair dryer.
btw, I tested it on my hair first.
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