Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I don't normally talk in my sleep. imagine my surprise when mom asked me who I was talking to last night.
she said I was talking to Vesper. that I has said something about "go" but she didn't know what that meant.

I dunno.

she said I needed to tell Vesper to go, that she is more than a character.
I. don't. know. who. Vesper. is. to tell her to go. she is just a friggen charrie. for all of you who don't know what a charrie is it's a character.


I haven't even had a conversation with any of my charries in ages.  why start talking to some one in the middle of the night? shoot, I could stop writing her story. that might kill her, it may not though because I started writing it to begin with and I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm plotted it all out and I know the end.



Warrior said...

That's really funny.
One morning my brother came to the breakfast table and asked me if I was ready. When I asked what for he said that he had asked me if I was willing to help him with something the night before. That was when I found out that I could have a whole conversation with someone and never be awake.

lauren said...

now that is funny.

it's not so funny as you may think. I say vesp is just a charrie, mom thinks vesper is more than a charrie in a spiritual kind of way ... if you get my drift.
I don' think so though. this whole thing is frustrating to me.

Warrior said...

Yeah, I get your meaning. I'm so sorry about that all this is happening to you. I wish I could just stop all this. But I have to remember that I am not in control of the world.
Please take care of yourself for me.

lauren said...

don't worry. :) I was having fun over it.
what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. remember that. God is in control.
I'll take care of myself.