yes, I sat in my brother's bedroom and plotted my revenge. That's what big brothers are for, sitting and listening to you plot your revenge on the therapist.
"How do you feel?"
"ticked off"
"you aren't angry?"
"I guess"
"what would it look like if you were angry?"
"Not much different"
"Do you ever get angry enough to throw something?"
"I guess (I really want to throw this ball right now)"
Apparently it's not a good idea to keep your feelings locked up inside... *shakes head with sad face* .... or forget stuff cause that doesn't do you any good and freezes your feelings. *nods head*
I'm feeling in rare form right now and goofing off. :)
My opinion is that I forget things I don't care about and what doesn't matter.
"do you often feel rejected?"
"I guess (yes this is one of my favorite answers ever, people really get annoyed over it though)"
"can you give me an example?"
"nah, it doesn't really matter. I don't care if people don't like me, if they don't it's not worth jack to me."
etc., etc.,
In tyler's bed room: (please excuse excessive randomness because yes, I do hold two sided conversations with myself on occasion)
"and the instructions to the homework goes something like this.... ' some people don't like how they feel and choose to "freeze" their feelings. write some of your frozen feelings in the ice cubes pictured to the right'.... I feel destructive can I destroy the ice cubes?"
"and how does that make you feel?"
"Warm and fuzzy like when I take NyQuil?"
"do you abuse substances?"
"I like NyQuil..."
*facepalm* I don't do that I just want to give her a hard time.
"......'this is your feelings bag circle all the feelings that you feel and cross out the ones that you don't. Add feelings that aren't on the list, even make ones up.'..... oh! i'll circle all of them since I have felt them all and add 'zinky and spoodilicious!"
"What's spoodilicious?
"That's when I'm feeling totally amazing, awesome and evil, like, right now. except that i'm really bad at being evil."
"Yes, you are."
".... and when she asks how I felt I'll say I don't remember cause I probably won't and that is really bad.... and I'm going to eat all of her Oreos and forget, that's bad, and I'm not going to feel anything at all, that's really bad."
let's see what else?
I'm going to be very evil to my therapist.
though I won't do anything that will get my family in trouble. at least not on purpose......
I have a lot more stuff but I don't feel like typing it up right now.
p.s. hope you got some laughs out of this. :)
Wow. I feel so sorry for you.
My parents think that therapist are useless. And now I believe them.
I'm really worried about you. I wish you didn't have to go through therapy.
I don't thin they are useless per se. :P
yeah, I feel sorry for me too. that's why i'm going to eat all of her Oreos and not feel bad at all. :P
don't worry about me. take care of yourself. k? I read what you wrote.
I wish I didn't have to go through it ether but it will all be ok in the end, right? right. we're good.
I really am thinking about doing some of this stuff to the lady. I don't like people asking me questions like she does. i don't think I would feel sorry for doing it. :)
I agree with Warrior with the therapist- are-useless-thing. I would hate to have some one ask me stupid question all day or even for and hour. I would drive me bonkers.
I liked your post. :) I made me laugh.
*Parying for you*
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