Wednesday, November 14, 2012


so what's been going on?
Hobbit costumes.

Hobbit costumes.
The hobbit is coming out this year and my entire family and I are going in costume. we've been working to put those together.

Now that i'm done with my OYAN novel for a while (i'm waiting to edit it) I have picked up one of my old stories and am continueing to plod along with the one that my brother and I were writting together. two stories at once isn't that hard to keep straight actually.
picking up the old one again was a trip down memory lane. it was like, "what?!? I wrote that?" *scibble* *highlight* *delete* yeah, I rewrote a lot. :D it was nice though, I plan to continue with both.

case and point.

I got my hair cut, it was bid back leangth. It is now short enough that I can spike it into a fohawk.

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