Monday, April 15, 2013

On Politics

My family lived in Germany for several (5) years back several years ago. Because I was a military brat then and young I did not understand everything that went on around me as a youngster.
I just knew that all the girls on the German gymnastics team that my sister and I trained on were public schooled and my sister and I were homeschooled.
Since moving back to the U.S. I have missed a lot of stuff about Germany. The food, the sports, the swim-at-your-own-risk mentality at the swimming pool, and that fantastic kid's play places.
I miss that country a lot, and root of their teams a lot during the Olympics, except when they are competing against mine.

I love my country. I really do.
I don't like the fact that the Romeike case has gone to court because the asylum that the family has been giving is in danger of being overturned.

Germany doesn't like homeschooling, actually, they are hostile towards any counter culture. They don't tolerate much that has to do with Hitler or the Holocaust.

Anyway. Our judges and president need to get their butts in gear and do the right thing.

They also need to do the right thing about Gay/lesbian rights. That should be dealt with at the state level, not the federal level.


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