Saturday, December 17, 2011

you know, it is actually possible to get hung up in a door like the cartoon characters when they're walking through the door and it closes on their leg/foot and when they try to get out it only closes tighter on them.... yeah, it's possible. I proved it. It is, in fact, possible to get hung up in the door mid-fall.
I was leaning on the door post, holding myself up and my wrist started hurting. It's been hurting for the past few days so nothing new but I let go of the door post and was working on falling to the ground when my foot got hung up cartoon style. Thus interrupting my fall. It was slightly painful but more funny than anything. just laid of the floor laughing. 
the floor needed a hug. that's why I was falling :)


Warrior said...

How funny.

"Gravity's a killer" :P

lauren said...

it is!!
it was an epic fall though.