Saturday, January 7, 2012

I have had the two most epic days. some of my friends came over yesterday to stay the night and hang out. we ended up having a Nerf war. Guys are NOT the only ones to play nerf.   Actually us girls were shooting each other in my room and we were told by out special intelligence (little sis) the the boys were going to try and attack us with their nerf (my brother was having his friends over as well). So we started listening to the boys conversation through the wall. we were waiting in ambush for their ambush. :D That was the most rabbit trailed war council I've heard.
"ok, we have 31 darts-"
"what's that?"
"Those are my pajamas."
"They look like penguins."
"They have penguins on them"
"Hey, look! I can touch my head to the ceiling."

and guys think we're bad.
any way. they didn't get the chance to attack us. they started playing with the spring-doorstop thing. those things are so annoying when you bump them. We were annoyed so we attacked them.

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