Friday, November 25, 2011

even more stuff.

Today has been good so far. I'm sitting facing the window to the left of the computer with the key board in my lap typing as the snow falls quickly outside and my sister curls my hair.
right now my hair is light brown and down to mid/lower/ back.  So, fairly long; She likes to curl is and play with it. I'll have to take some pics of it and  post them.
why? because tomorrow I'm going to get my hair cut. Short. probably about shoulder length. I don't know if sis will be able to curl it then. it would be very poofy. not that it won't be already. it's very thick so cutting it short will probably be interesting, but I'll probably keep it pull back in pony tails so it doesn't go wacko on me. :P
it's gonna be fun.
although on the flip side is that it won't cover my neck very well when I go snowboarding. I forgot to take that into consideration. hhhmmmm.... I can just see myself snowboarding down the mt. and getting hung up, doing a face-plant and getting snow shoved down my back, as well as getting frozen and tangled and stuff. :P
this will definitely be interesting.
I won't have had my hair that short since I was little and I looked ugly. hmmm...... at least I think I did. :P

Oh, yeah. thanksgiving went well. We went over to some friends house. and of course, like every other thanksgiving, there was no one there for me to hang out with. bummer. oh well. I shouldn't complain, it was awesome. I watched a game of Settlers of Catan.
and desert was amazing. pecan bars and apple pie bars and pumpkin pie bars and stuff. and we all said what we were thankful for, sang some hymns and hung out. :)
I didn't end up doing much really. I went downstairs and read a little (with permission) and rested.

it's really snowing outside.

It think we are watching the Return of the King tonight. I don't know what every body else is doing today though. I think I might do some sewing. Or drawing.  I kinda want to do some drawing cause I haven't done anything for a while, but I don't know what to draw. when I draw I've always felt inspired to do it and I haven't felt that lately. for anything. Not drawing, not bead work, not sewing really, Not much of anything.  I really want to go and play Frisbee tomorrow but I don't think I can make it. I think I'll stick to dancing.

Dancing is epic. I really miss ballroom dancing but square-dancing is fun too. that's tomorrow evening. Should be fun. It hink my friend is going to be there.
last time she was over we decided that our other friend would be really funny drunk. we were talking about rum, whiskey, vodka and wine. not for any particular reason that I can remember. We don't drink or anything and the only alcohol we have in the house is rubbing alcohol and  what ever is in the Vanilla extract.  :P so I don't remember how we got there.
oh, maybe it was we were talking about my friends teasing me about being high. though I don't see a solid connection there.
I fell over again last night for no reason. lol that started another of those conversations and one of the little kids asked if being high was why I had gotten a second piercing. the goof.
the point was. my friends are going to be at the dance. I think. I hope. I really like my buddies.

this is a very long post.

Oh, yesterday coming out of my friend's house I was carrying a bowl of rolls and I slipped on the stairs. and broke the bowl. that was interesting.
Riding my my brother's truck is interesting. He was going to pull broddies with me but he couldn't get enough traction. bummer. it would have been fun, ether way we were ahead of mom and dad (who were in the van with the littles) when we pulled into the parking lot to mess around and they fallowed us until bro started swerving around. then they left. and we decided not to try anymore because there were to many cars around. i wish we could have though. He's taken my little sister and my little bro but we haven't gotten the chance yet. :P

oh, I remembered what the guys are going to do. they are going to shoot the rooster!!!! apparently our rooster is an evil one and attacked mom so he is going to be done away with and put in our freezer. last time we killed the chickens it was interesting. the little bro killed on with a machete. :) it was kinda sad though to. talking to chickens when your sad  can be therapeutic. they are REALLY dumb birds. not as dumb as grouse but really dumb all the same.  We've taken multiple shots at those brids before they even thought to fly away. They are really dumb.

and the little sis is done with my hair so I'm gone. If you made it through this entire post without skipping anything than you deserve a medal.


Warrior said...

I haven't ever had my hair cut, just trimmed.

Thanksgiving sounded like fun. We had all the releitive that lived in the area over to our house. :)

Lately I've been drawing Japanese style drawing, though I'm just getting atarted and they don't look so good.

Never sqaure danced before. I have only been to a CW ball.

Roosters are EVIL. But goats are EVILER. Oh yeah, I use to talk to my guinnie pig when I was sad.
BTW, these chickens sound as dumb as some deer my dad hunted.

Do I get a medal?
~ Your padawan. :)

lauren said...

*laughs* yes padawan you get a medal. *hands over gold medal*

I read that on my comments page without the breaks and it was like one huge paragraph. lol.

we've never had goats. :)

square dancing is lots of fun. some of the guys like to pick us up when they twirl us around.

Warrior said...

Yay! A medal! *dances around holding medal high*

We've never had goats either, but our neighbors did. It was a very mean goat. The neighborhood dogs that raomed in packs ran from this goat.

Square dancing sounds like fun. But my dad dose not like me dancing with boys, so I only dance with my sisters and friends. :)

lauren said...

it is way fun. oh. I"m sorry you aren't allowed to dance.