Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My wonderful mother just got through telling me that it served me right that when I was twelve I got scarred of the ring wraiths in lord of the rings.
see when I was 12 I was excited and could put the book down so after my parents went to be I came out of my bedroom down the hall and into the spar room closet where I sat and read till about 1:oo in the morning. at which piont I decided to put the book down and go to bed unfortunately I stoped reading at the battle of wether top leaving poor aragorn against those nasty ringwraiths. and I had to WALK DOWN THAT LONG DARKJ HALL A MILE LONG WITH NO LIGHTS ON AND THOSE WRAITHS READY TO COME OUT OF THIN AIR AND GET ME!!!
i didn't even want to come out of the closet!
but that was two years ago and those raiths are still happily stuck between those pages where Ican enjoy reading about them over and over but I will NOT read in that closet till one in the morning again. lol. that is why mom says it served me right to be scared I shouldn't have been reading.

my friend is going to get a snow board and he says he will learn to snowboard if it is the last thing he does. I think he does pretty well. not every body can make the mile in seven minutes their first trip up there.

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