Sunday, February 5, 2012

tragical day in my family's house. The Giants won the Super Bowl. *sigh*

The Half-time show was good. :D we switched channels and watched 'Druggs Inc.' instead of Madonna.
The last half of the game was intense enough for me to say Hail Marry and cross myself. I'm not even Catholic but for some reason when the quarterback throws an impossible shot it's a hail marry or somethin, so I crossed mom too.

Today was good.

Yesterday was our dojo's annual tourney, my family. It was good. Got to hang out with Katie, which is something I have not done in a while.
hanging with her and Miranda went way better than it does normally, so I was happy.

Oh, and one more person is added to the list of teasing me about being on cocaine. Katie.
what's up? I've never been on druggs in my entire life but I get teased about being on it? *sigh*


~ War said...

I'm sorry I've been away for a long time.
I don't watch the super bowl, so who are the Giants, and who were you cheering for?

I'm sorry to hear that more people think you're on drugs, that disapointing.

~ Warrior

lauren said...

lol. they know i'm not and never have been. I think.... they just like to say I am.

The Giants are New York's team and the Patriots is the New England team.
I was for the patriots, but they lost.

nice to see you again. :D

Warrior said...

I see. That's too bad.

Yeah. I'm sorry I don't hang around more often.