Sunday, November 13, 2011

my prayer

I heard it said that the moment you begin to lose your fear of a weapon and to love it is the moment that you become unfit to wield it.
I hope that that never happens to me.
I suppose it's why I'm so sensitive when I hurt somebody. I don't want to use it to hurt anyone and hope I never have to; I'm not afraid of what I can do, I"m not even afraid of fighting. I am afraid that one day I won't care whether or not I hurt my opponent. I don't want to become that kind of person.
my prayer when I fight is that I will fight my best, that God would give me strength and that I would lose well if they are just better than me; like I would if I had won. that it would be in God's hands.
I sounds really sappy.


Warrior said...

No you don't. You're right.

Grace said...

I'm glad you are praying not to be that person