Friday, November 11, 2011


"When the student is ready the teacher appears" That is probably one of my most favorite quotes that I have ever come across. Why? because it reminds me to keep myself in check. I don't know everything and I have to be ready and willing to learn. I've had several mentors and I have to say that they are pretty darn awesome. yes, they have a way of seeing our faults but they also see our potential and with those to things combined they can help us to grow. Besides Mom there are three women who have mentored me and only two of those are now alive, when i first moved to my home here I was mentored by my neighbor until she moved and later died.
I've been asked how you "get" a mentor and all I have to say is you don't really, they just come. you can pick and choose in a way but mostly I think it's who you spend the most time with; that older person who is your friend, not just your parent's friend. Even some one younger than that maybe. You just have to be willing to learn something. My mentors now are amazing, I don't know were I would be if i had never met them.

Today is veterans :P I would like to thank all our military men and women to have served, still serve and have made the ultimate and final sacrifice for our country. I can never thank you enough for the freedom you fight for.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this.
I remember when I had this conversation with you.
And just in case you didn't know this: You're my mentor. Please continue to help me out.
~Your padawan

lauren said...

awww... I feel incredibly special. and privileged though I know I don't know nearly enough to be a great one.
thank you padawan,
me. :)

Anonymous said...

You're extreamly welcome.
~ Padawan